On Sun, Feb 03, 2013 at 11:40:16PM +0100, Mattias Gaertner wrote:
> > > 
> > > Maybe the "gmake clean" does not work under FreeBSD?
> > 
> > Are there any custom rules regarding this file, or SED use? 
> > 
> > Makefile operation under FreeBSD is older than fpcmake generated makefiles.
> [clean]
> # clear all .ppu/.o/.rst files in all source and output directories
> files=$(wildcard $(COMPILER_UNITTARGETDIR)/*$(OEXT)) \
>       $(wildcard $(COMPILER_UNITTARGETDIR)/*$(PPUEXT)) \
>       $(wildcard $(COMPILER_UNITTARGETDIR)/*$(RSTEXT)) \
>       $(wildcard $(COMPILER_UNITTARGETDIR)/*.lfm) \
>       $(wildcard $(COMPILER_UNITTARGETDIR)/*.res) \
>       $(wildcard $(COMPILER_UNITTARGETDIR)/*.compiled) \
>       $(wildcard ./units/*$(OEXT)) $(wildcard ./units/*$(PPUEXT)) $(wildcard 
> ./units/*$(RSTEXT)) \
>       $(wildcard widgetset/*$(OEXT)) $(wildcard widgetset/*$(PPUEXT)) 
> $(wildcard widgetset/*$(RSTEXT))\
>       $(wildcard *$(OEXT)) $(wildcard *$(PPUEXT)) $(wildcard *$(RSTEXT))

Afaik such constructs should simply work. It will be passed to rm, and gmake
is the same as make on linux, just might be a slightly older version.

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