Hello TAChart devs,

on Lazarus 0.9.30 r29749 FPC 2.4.2 i386-win32-win32/win64

it seems the TAChart.AxisList[1] (Bottom) is forgetting
to read the OnMarkToText assignment from lfm (excerpt below)

            Alignment = calBottom
            Marks.AtDataOnly = True
            Title.Visible = True
            Title.Caption = 'Date'
            OnMarkToText = Chart2AxisList1MarkToText

(i.e. when starting Lazarus or reopening a project,
the OnMarkToText event is empty in the Object Inspector,
which leads to a problem if the form is modified,
because the assignment is lost and has to be reinstated by hand)

Shall I bug or is it fixed in later release(s)?

(I guess it's not worth to create example app, try this:
- put a TChart on a form
- add 3 items to AxisList (left, bottom, right) (this is the order I have them 
- in object inspector go to Chart1, AxisList, 1 - Bottom
- change the Title and other properties to it (see above excerpt of lfm)
- add a function to OnMarkToText event
- save project, compile, etc,
- close project/ close lazarus
- reopen project / launch lazarus
- the title and alignment and visibility is preserved, event OnMarkToText is 

Kind Regards


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