Le 09/08/2013 15:21, Michael Van Canneyt a écrit :

On Fri, 9 Aug 2013, Antonio Fortuny wrote:

they will all end up referencing windows.THandle, but on other platforms they may be wildly different.
For a developer as me, this is probably the best solution indeed. I do manipulate lots of handles in my applications and do not really want to take care of which basic type they are. I'd be more than happy to re-engineer my applications diversifying handle types which means to get rid of all this ambiguity when addressing OS objects. My problem then would be to use the right handle type where needed

That is exactly why I am a proponent of this mechanism.
Just tell me how to push forward with you 8-)

We kidnap Mattias, lock him in the casemates in Luxemburg city, and don't let him out till he did the work ;)
Looks so simple. OK Michael, look for the chains and the cuffs and I'll take care for a machine gun. Who's gonna take the car ? Maybe a bicycle would do it ? :-P



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