On 10/13/2013 01:14 AM, Krzysztof wrote:
I'm still dreaming about modular Qt :) . Now to deploy QtLCL application
I need to provide all Qt libs (even webkit, but I don't use it). I'm
working on project based on pure Qt 5.1, I needed to use C++ instead of
FPC :/ . Those libs are amazing, not only GUI but for example
QMultimedia, QNetwork and websockets. I'm wondering if exists any tool
which can automatically convert Qt API headers into FPC. For example
gtk3 headers for FPC are generated by some tool (don't remember the
name). Was current Qt4Pas unit written manually line by line? My dream
is to write pure Qt application (I'm not interested in LCL) using FPC
for all platforms as I'm doing now with C++

Yes, there is actually tool which can create modular Qt libs, but it needs a lot of time to create C bindings. Feel free to create it using doxygen. From times of Kylix 3 Andreas Hausladen created QtC bindings by using doxygen (which creates classes in xml) ,and then via small console program he created libqtc and QtLibrary.pas. Of course that was "all in one" library binding, but it can be separated into various C bindings. I support your idea too, but Den Jean created current bindings and he is working on that part, so maybe you should ask him , or maybe we can provide to him some bounty to create separated qtc bindings (libQt4Core -> libQt4PasCore,libQt4Gui -> libQt4PasGui, libQt4Network -> libQt4PasNetwork etc etc).


2013/10/12 zeljko <zel...@holobit.net <mailto:zel...@holobit.net>>

    On 10/12/2013 04:38 PM, zeljko wrote:

        Hi all,
        Today I've commited new feature of qt widgetset (r43218) -
        Now FCentralWidget isn't pure widget anymore but
        which provides scrollbars on forms for us.
        IT'S DISABLED BY DEFAULT, so if you want to test and use scrollable
        forms with qt widgetset you must enable QTSCROLLABLEFORMS define in
        It will be merged to 1.99.

    Not, 1.99 , but 1.0.99, it was typo .. sorry.


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