Hi All!

I have been trying to use a resource file (mydata.rc) to include some bitmap images in an app but with no success. For simplicity, I have pared the rc file to a single line:

pix2     BITMAP "/home/mydir/Desktop/myapp/2.bmp"

I have the following lines in my main unit:

{$R *.lfm} // the original
{$R mydata.rc}

mydata.rc is being compiled. It generates lib/x86_64-linux/mydata.res as expected.

I can see the following in the compiled lib/x86_64-linux/mydata.res file using od

B nul   I nul   T nul   M nul   A nul   P nul


P nul   I nul   X nul   2 nul

followed by the header of a bitmap image, so I am pretty sure that the resource compiler (windres) is working correctly.

When I try to load the bitmap using:

  Image1.Picture.LoadFromLazarusResource('PIX2');  // Tried 'pix2' as well

I constantly get Resource "pix2" not found.

I put some diagnostics in LResources.pp and I can see other resources being found, and pix2 being sought but it never finds a resource from the mydata.res file.

It appears that whatever (I'm guessing here) has to be done to include the resources from mydata.res into the executable is not happening.

I am using Lazarus V 1.1, and FPC V 2.6.2

Can anyone point me in the right direction?


Don Ziesig

P.S. I started with PNG graphics and ended up with BMP only because that seemed to be the least common denominator in the all of the docs I could find.

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