Em 17/03/14 16:28, Marcos Douglas escreveu:
On Mon, Mar 17, 2014 at 3:12 PM, Joao Morais <l...@joaomorais.com.br> wrote:
Em 15/03/14 22:47, Marcos Douglas escreveu:

So, what the best way to substitute PostMessage?
Maybe using QueueAsyncCall  +  IFPObserved/IFPObserver?

Have you tried decoupling your classes with interfaces?
I thought, yes, but I want to keep simple as possible.

Simplicity and portability - two arguments on behalf of interfaces! =)

If I understood your
scenario correctly: Main implements an interface known by Proc, which sends
itself to the Proc constructor.
That's an idea... but isn't like that today. Proc (following example)
do not know Main or any interface that Main knows.
Proc could be used in many others classes and not knows nothing about
these classes.

Because of that Proc only knows an interface that Main, perhaps others should implement.

Anyway just thinking out loud, you are the one that knows the requisites, what can and what can't be done. =)


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