El 29/08/14 a las 06:36, Mattias Gaertner escibió:
On Thu, 28 Aug 2014 14:45:36 -0300
"Leonardo M. Ramé" <l.r...@griensu.com> wrote:

Hi, since a couple of months ago I noted Anchordocking is not working as

I can arrange a nice layout, and save it as my default layout, but when
I start Lazarus again, it was commpletely messed up.

Does anyone faced the same issue?.

Do you use page docking?


Re sent with a smaller image file.

Sorry, what is page docking?.

I attached a screenshot of how my Lazarus looks after arranging my layout, also the file anchordocklayout.xml after going to Tools -> Save design...

After closing Lazarus, the layout is completely messed up.


Leonardo M. Ramé
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <Nodes ChildCount="1">
      <Item1 Name="MainIDE" Type="CustomSite" Monitor="1" ChildCount="1">
        <Bounds Left="1505" Top="48" Width="1044" Height="625">
            <Rect Left="1360" Top="25" Right="2726" Bottom="768"/>
        <Item1 Name="AnchorDockSite4" Type="Layout" ChildCount="7">
          <Bounds Top="72" Width="1044" Height="532" SplitterPos="68"/>
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            <Bounds Left="761" Width="4" Height="532"/>
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            <Bounds Left="765" Width="279" Height="532"/>
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            <Bounds Width="230" Height="532"/>
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      <Nodes Name="MainIDE" Type="CustomSite" Monitor="1" ChildCount="1">
        <Bounds Left="1461" Top="52" Width="1044" Height="555">
            <Rect Left="1360" Top="25" Right="2726" Bottom="768"/>
        <Item1 Name="AnchorDockSite4" Type="Layout" ChildCount="5">
          <Bounds Top="72" Width="1044" Height="462" SplitterPos="68"/>
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            <Header Position="left"/>
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            <Bounds Top="393" Width="795" Height="4"/>
            <Anchors Right="AnchorDockSplitter3"/>
          <Item3 Name="MessagesView" Type="Control">
            <Bounds Top="397" Width="795" Height="65"/>
            <Anchors Top="AnchorDockSplitter2" Right="AnchorDockSplitter3"/>
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            <Bounds Left="795" Width="4" Height="462"/>
          <Item5 Name="CodeExplorerView" Type="Control">
            <Bounds Left="799" Width="245" Height="462"/>
            <Anchors Left="AnchorDockSplitter3"/>

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