On 13-09-2014 19:59, Werner Pamler wrote:
In fpspreadsheet I am using a TsWorksheetGrid to display the contents of
spreadsheet files. This grid is derived from TCustomDrawGrid, it gets
all data and formats from the underlying TsWorkbook.

One thing which annoys me is that the grid can no longer select a range
of cells once the goEditing option is set. An ordinary TDrawGrid has the
same issue, but a TStringGrid on the other hand works perfectly.

Is this in the latest svn-version (3561)? I'm not seeing this issue.

I've never used the gui-components and see some other weird stuff (like reading an .ods gives me an error about adding a empty name for a worksheet and when changing a cell in the grid i get an invalid date format error but that's probably something i'm doing wrong :).

For the TsWorksheetGrid, i can just drop it on a form, set goEditing in Options, do a sWorksheetGrid1.LoadFromSpreadsheetFile and select multiple cells. (You're right that that doesn't work in TDrawGrid but for TsWorksheetGrid it works for me)

Could you provide sample code? (or is it also just as simple as mine?)

(or am i not understanding the problem correctly?)
See: http://i.imgur.com/ikwdhb6.png

(Lazarus 1.3 r46216M FPC 2.7.1 i386-win32-win32/win64)
(fpspreadsheet svn 3561)

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