Hi, I don't know what I did, but I no longer can zoom in / zoom out (by dragging the mouse pointer) my chart. If I draw 1000 data points, they all are drawn into the chart, but I only want to display part of that data, for example 100 points.

Here's the definition of my TAChart object (extracted from the lfm), I hope this help:

  object HAChart: TChart
    Left = 0
    Height = 206
    Top = 302
    Width = 582
    AxisList = <
        Grid.Color = 2434341
        TickColor = clSilver
        Alignment = calRight
        Group = 1
        Marks.Format = '%0.2f'
        Marks.Range.Max = 50
        Marks.Style = smsCustom
        Minors = <>
        Title.LabelFont.Orientation = 900
        Grid.Color = clGray
        Grid.Visible = False
        Intervals.MaxLength = 100
        Intervals.MinLength = 30
        Alignment = calBottom
        Marks.LabelFont.Orientation = 750
        Marks.Format = '%2:s'
        Marks.Source = ListChartSource1
        Marks.Style = smsLabel
        Minors = <>
    BackColor = clBlack
    ExpandPercentage = 5
    Extent.UseYMin = True
    Foot.Brush.Color = clBtnFace
    Foot.Font.Color = clBlue
    Frame.Color = clMedGray
    Title.Brush.Color = clBtnFace
    Title.Font.Color = clBlue
    Title.Text.Strings = (
    Toolset = ChartToolset1
    OnAfterDrawBackWall = CandleStickChartAfterDrawBackWall
    OnAfterPaint = CandleStickChartAfterPaint
    Align = alClient
    Color = clBlack
    ParentColor = False
    ParentShowHint = False
    OnMouseMove = CandleStickChartMouseMove


Leonardo M. Ramé<br>
Medical IT - Griensu S.A.<br>
Av. Colón 636 - Piso 8 Of. A<br>
X5000EPT -- Córdoba<br>
Tel.: +54(351)4246924 +54(351)4247788 +54(351)4247979 int. 19<br>
Cel.: +54 9 (011) 40871877

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