On 27 October 2014 18:57, Mark Morgan Lloyd <markmll.laza...@telemetry.co.uk
> wrote:

> Rik van Kekem wrote:
>> Maybe it's just me but what's the use of "Date modified" for a folder?
>> It *does not* (like TS expects) reflect the date of the last file
>> *changed* in the folder. Only when files are removed or added the "Date
>> modified" of the folder changes. If you also want the time of the last
>> changes in the folder you would need to loop through all the files.
> That of course is a good point, but if [whoever asked the question] was
> writing an archiver or a file transfer program then his users would assume
> that it should (i.e. would be reasonably expected to, irrespective of
> documentation etc.) preserve all the POSIX timestamps, even if their
> meaning was counter-intuitive.

​Thanks for all of everyones input regarding this. It looks like the
solution that I am going to have to use is to scan all of the files within
the folder and work out new latest modified file from that.

Thanks again

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