Am 20.01.2015 um 12:01 schrieb Michael Schnell:
On 01/20/2015 11:58 AM, Andreas Frieß wrote:
The wikiget should handle the situation. All pages with an an not workable filename should be ignored and logged and the programm go on running.

I feel that this is a workaround. People will go on creating rather long non-ASCII page names that _should_ be decently handled by the converter.

Right now you are creating the "standard" how the files are stored. Hence it should be workable for the foreseeable future.

You REALY MEAN a basepage like φετα and the english localized page φετα/en ist a valid (and german φετα/de)?

Normally the basepage was english (without a slash and a languagecode) and all the languagedepend pages have a slash with the two char languagecode. This system normally used yet have no problem with non ascii cahrs, because they are not used. I think this system was good. If somebody do not use the naming convention, he is not able to produce documentation. I think the people who have produced the pages with problem IMHO didnt understand full the ruling of the pages.


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