Thanks to all who responded to my plea for help with multi-platform development.

It seems that I was mistaken about the time-stamps causing the problems I encountered. The problems were caused by the fact that Lazarus for Linux wants case sensitive file names and the NTFS driver I was using was case insensitive. The erroneous behavior that I was seeing was due to capitalization in unit names, not time-stamps.

The solution (as suggested by John Landmesser) was to use ntfs-3g (I put it into fstab and added my own uid/gid to avoid permission problems. fstab would not have been the proper solution if there were more than one user on the computer). I also took the suggestion to use separate directories for the windows and linux project files. This separated the object and executable files between the two systems as well.

I also found a windows driver for ext4 that does not corrupt the ext4 file system. It is available from Paragon Software (free for personal use, reasonably priced for commercial use).

It was suggested that I use svn for file sharing between windows and linux. I actually use git for all my source control, but it did not solve the mixed case file name issue that was actually causing my problem between the two OSes.

Again, many thanks for all the great help.

Don Ziesig

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