There is still one residual problem. Right now I am developing and testing on Linux with the files on NTFS using ntfs-3g with case sensitive file names. Everything seems to be ok until I get a compilation error at which point I get two editor windows pointing to the same file with tabs showing:

MyFile    MyFile(2)

If I re-compile, a window pops up telling me that the file on disk has changed and asking if I would like to reload. If I press reload I get the modified file, else I get the file from before the compilation error. Strangely, the compilation error will re-occur even with the modified file showing in the source editor and the unmodified file closed in the source editor. It doesn't seem to matter if I use "file-contents" or "file timestamp" to determine the modification state of the file. Also, I have looked on the disk and see only the MyFile.pas, never MyFile(2).pas.

There is a simple work-around (which might give someone a clue as to the cause). If I explicitly save the modified files before starting compilation the problem never occurs. (I just have to remember to do it ;-) ).

This never occurs when the files are on the Linux ext4 file system.

Don Ziesig

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