On 21/03/2015 23:52, Werner Pamler wrote:

Yes, I put the project inspector at the right edge of the screen and
select files from there. But this does not work so well with packages:
- Lazarus does not re-open with packages at next start --> I have to
  open packages manually every time.
- The package windows always come up in the screen center and are soon
  covered by the designer and editor --> I have to drag them to
  the side.
- And they have a width constraint which leaves them too wide for my needs.
  I'd even go further and wish an option to turn off the caption of the
  toolbar buttons of the project and package windows in order to be able
  to shrink their width as much as possible (In the times of
  super-large monitors, the screen is too small again...)

Sorry for this long list of wishes.

You should make feature request for those. Because I am not likely to look at them myself, sorry.
I just picked this up as long as it was/is editor related.

About the toolbar text+item => IMHO there should be a global option, and all windows should follow.

About your original request. There is actually a menu entry (menu "Windows") "Manage Source Editors"

That allows sorting, but again only one at a time. It could allow multi select. You can also keep it open, and use ti to go to each editor. Except the current layout makes it too wide. (It can show alpha-sorted, but then it will not move the actual tabs / if it is not sorted, it will move tabs)

You can propose a patch to this. Might be accepted. (But no promise).

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