The _real_ solution is also hidden in this thread:

Felipe found it, perhaps the fix never found it's way in the Lazarus Sourcecode:

With this search string: retina Here is the magic! Commands in the terminal: Retinize!
defaults write lazarus.freepascal.ide AppleMagnifiedMode NO
defaults write lazarus.freepascal.ide AppleMagnifiedMode YES

Looks like that it can be fixed in code too: "

by specifying kWindowFrameworkScaledAttribute at window creation time."

Am 29.05.15 um 13:32 schrieb Graeme Geldenhuys:
On 2015-02-05 23:13, Mattias Gaertner wrote:
The trick is to close the program, then remove the
following two lines from
Arg! It would have saved me so much time, if only I read the whole
message thread before trying all kinds of things. :) At least in the end
I found the same work-around as you.

   - Graeme -

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