On 23/06/2015 16:58, aradeonas wrote:
As old users know there was a problem about breakpoints that after removing or changing code still debugger will stop at an imaginary line. Years ago it seems solved as I read mail list but I have this problem from day one of using Lazarus and my only solution is removing them from breakpoint list.
I want to ask is the problem want to go away or Im doing something wrong?

There are at least 2 different known causes. (both have been addressed in the past, but there still can be conditions under which they exist)

1) Breakpoint is in correct file (including full directory), but different line 2) Breakpoint is in a file of equal name, but different directory. (usually symlink to file/folder)

1) As long as the blue dots (during debugging) are showing for a file the line should be traced. However replacing multiple lines (via paste/override selection) will move it to either start or end of the newly pasted lines.

2) Do not open files with symlinks. if you did, search through your xml files (lpi, lps, and primary-config-path) and clean them.

If it is symlinks, I do not know how much can be done. Otherwise exact steps to reproduce are needed

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