On 10/13/2015 09:51 AM, Juha Manninen wrote:
On Tue, Oct 13, 2015 at 3:43 PM,  <wkitt...@windstream.net> wrote:
what do you call "really fast"??

The fastest PC available today.

i might be able to try this on my 8-core 4Ghz box...

Yes please!

let me see what i can do...

[time passes]

i get as far as this...

/bin/rm -f fpcmade.x86_64-linux Package.fpc ./ppas.sh script.res link.res
/bin/rm -f *.s *_ppas.sh
make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/wkitty42/development/lazarus/components/chmhelp/lhelp'
make -C packager/registration
make[1]: Entering directory `/home/wkitty42/development/lazarus/packager/registration'
/bin/rm -f ../units/x86_64-linux/fcllaz.ppu
/home/wkitty42/development/fpc/bin/x86_64-linux/ppcx64 -MObjFPC -Scghi -O1 -g -gl -l -vewnhibq -Fu. -FE. -FU../units/x86_64-linux -Cg -dx86_64 fcllaz.pas
Free Pascal Compiler version 3.1.1 [2015/06/13] for x86_64
Copyright (c) 1993-2015 by Florian Klaempfl and others
(1002) Target OS: Linux for x86-64
(3104) Compiling fcllaz.pas
Fatal: (10022) Can't find unit system used by fcllaz
Fatal: (1018) Compilation aborted
make[1]: *** [fcllaz.ppu] Error 1
make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/wkitty42/development/lazarus/packager/registration'
make: *** [registration] Error 2

real    0m4.228s
user    0m0.819s
sys     0m1.352s

i don't know why... everything is in a tree under ~/development where fpcup placed it... i've never installed fpc or lazarus using anything other than fpcup and bootstrapping it from the raw... there is ~/development/fcpbootstrap/x86_64-linux-ppcx64 which turns out to be fpc 2.6.2 but i don't know how to tell your "time make clean bigide" to use it :(

the only other thing is that i don't use bigide at this time...
it was too confusing for me while trying to learn the interface...

Bigide is used for Lazarus release versions. Why is it confusing?

way too many options to drag and drop on a form... i do not come from delphi or any other gui coding environment so i don't know anything about them... trying to find one being looked for was like hunting a needle in a haystack...

the last time i used any sort of RAD it was for relatively small programs in Foxbase or dBase III and IV... there was a RAD template system thing that we used... once we got the forms laid out the way we wanted and generated the basic code to access, edit and delete the data, we then rewrote the majority of the code so much adding to and refining the existing code that we could not use the template thing any more to adjust the forms... from then on, it was like we had never used a RAD at all...

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