On 10/21/2015 05:14 PM, Graeme Geldenhuys wrote:

  So too is the LCL-NoGUI hack.
That is why I am doing the "Active NoGUI" LCL Widget Type that is supposed to be a real application
Then refactor / clean-up the code to remove such "gui" dependencies
As I pointed out in the beginning of the discussion with Bo, a (IMHO the only) decent way to port a "RAD" Delphi application to a headless system is to first modify the application (without changing the environment and the functionality to a "non RAD" design by separating the business logic and the GUI in a different set of units. Now even the original project has improved.

In the next step the GUI units can be modified to be dummy or provide a minimal local or remote monitoring/debugging user interface.


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