2015-10-24 14:15 GMT-02:00 Jürgen Hestermann <juergen.hesterm...@gmx.de>:

> Am 2015-10-24 um 17:50 schrieb Alexsander Rosa:
> 2015-10-22 13:11 GMT-02:00 Aradeonas <aradeo...@operamail.com>:
>> * From my 600+ KLOC project:   Total Files: 961 Average File Size: 629,3
>> lines   Source: StatSVN report *
>> How,Why?! ;)
> How: coding this way since day one.
> Why: IMHO it's easier to maintain.
> I am currently working on a program where the main unit
> has >20k lines but never found that the length is a problem.
> Alt+G to find procedures/functions helps a lot,
> Bookmarks can be used, Ctrl+F(ind) is there too
> so I don't know why I should split the unit without need.
> Just the opposite: Spreading the code over many files/units
> makes it much harder to find something (at least it does not
> make it easier IMO).
Our largest .pas file (out of 750) has 8+ KLOC.
Ctrl+mouse click opens the external file easily.

Alexsander da Rosa
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