On 27/12/2015 13:25, Ondrej Pokorny wrote:
On 27.12.2015 14:21, Juha Manninen wrote:
On Sun, Dec 27, 2015 at 2:46 PM, Ondrej Pokorny<laza...@kluug.net>
>Highlighting works fine on Windows. It doesn't work on Linux. I haven't
>checked OSX.
Strange. I have tested with GTK2 and QT on Linux and the Windows
version using Wine. They all behave identically in this respect.

Don't forget that Linux+Wine is not Windows+win32 :)

The LCL implementation of themes (based on the work of Mike Lischke) for mainmenu highlighting in GTK2 and QT appears to work differently from the Windows implementation. I will work on providing a custom-drawn mainmenu highlight across the board, and not depend on themeservices to display this, whether the needed highlight is for a main menu or a popupmenu, as a workaround in this case of the menu editor.

A better long term solution would be to make the highlight theming for TMainMenu and TPopupMenu fully consistent across all widgetsets. However, that is a task beyond me.


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