Juha Manninen wrote:

From Bart:
Current state is that the Swastika now has very strong
associations witj the Nazi regime and all the evil it stood for.

Then it is time to change that association.
Maybe it is a cultural thing but here most people understand the big
picture and don't judge the symbol itself.
Maybe you and Anthony don't know the history of that symbol? Please study it!
To me your opinions seem very narrow-minded, sorry to say.

I'm inclined to agree, particularly since the variant that has such unpleasant connotations was usually drawn at a 45 deg angle while almost all other renditions are square (i.e. all elements are either horizontal or vertical).

There's a general principle that numbers can't be copyrighted or patented, and that extends to various "illegal numbers" which some trade bodies and even a few jurisdictions insist can't be published and shouldn't even be read outside certain narrows contexts. I think this principle should also extend to simple geometric shapes.

So come on chaps. It's not as though we're talking about something completely unambiguous like the Waiblingen triple-headed eagle or even the Penrose Chickens :-)

Mark Morgan Lloyd
markMLl .AT. telemetry.co .DOT. uk

[Opinions above are the author's, not those of his employers or colleagues]

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