On Tue, 8 Mar 2016 15:01:10 +0100
Ondrej Pokorny <laza...@kluug.net> wrote:

>[...]To reduce confusion I can enhance the 
> dialog with a local/class target combobox - people could than map the 
> more interactive shortcut to ctrl+shift+c and use only one shortcut for 
> both class/local target if they want. What do you think?


The less interactive should do a common completion, the more
interactive shows a dialog to choose. This is easy to remember and can
be used for future completions.
For example the interactive completion on a property could give
options to add Getter, Setter or add code for an array property.

> If I create a special shortcut for every option of CodeCreation, they 
> could easily blow up (like shortcut for add to private, public etc, 
> maybe more in the future).

Yes, that would be stupid.


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