On 13.04.2016 13:09, Graeme Geldenhuys wrote:
On 2016-04-13 10:54, Ondrej Pokorny wrote:
Am I doing something wrong or is this a bug in fpPDF?
It's a bug. The BaseFont, FontName and FontFamily names (in fact any
PDFName elemens) may not contain spaces and should be escaped (or
encoded). I've fixed it locally, and the patch should be in FPC
hopefully some time today.

Great, thank you. Please also take a look at the next project that uses FreeSansBoldOblique.ttf. If range checking is ON, the project fails with a range error in TPDFDocument.CreateFontDescriptor line FDict.AddInteger('ItalicAngle',Fonts[EmbeddedFontNum].FTrueTypeFile.ItalicAngle);
(The LongWord ItalicAngle property is out of Integer bounds).

#0 HANDLEERRORADDRFRAME(201, 0x4358ee, 0x15bfd9c) at ..\inc\system.inc:1133
#1 HANDLEERRORADDRFRAMEIND(201, 0x4358ee, 0x15bfd9c) at ..\inc\system.inc:1152
#2 fpc_rangeerror at ..\inc\system.inc:746
#3 CREATEFONTDESCRIPTOR(0x1881628, 0) at ..\..\..\..\..\..\..\software\FPC\trunk_src\packages\fcl-pdf\src\fppdf.pp:3415 #4 CREATETTFDESCENDANTFONT(0x1881628, 0) at ..\..\..\..\..\..\..\software\FPC\trunk_src\packages\fcl-pdf\src\fppdf.pp:3376 #5 CREATETTFFONT(0x1881628, 0) at ..\..\..\..\..\..\..\software\FPC\trunk_src\packages\fcl-pdf\src\fppdf.pp:3352 #6 CREATEFONTENTRIES(0x1881628) at ..\..\..\..\..\..\..\software\FPC\trunk_src\packages\fcl-pdf\src\fppdf.pp:3726 #7 SAVETOSTREAM(0x1881628, 0x185c388) at ..\..\..\..\..\..\..\software\FPC\trunk_src\packages\fcl-pdf\src\fppdf.pp:3750
#8 main at DejaVuFont.lpr:35



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