On Sat, 23 Apr 2016, Bo Berglund wrote:

On Sat, 23 Apr 2016 08:10:09 +0000, Mark Morgan Lloyd
<markmll.laza...@telemetry.co.uk> wrote:

I don't know whether the ClrScr procedure refers to libtinfo, or what
properties libtinfo thinks the debug window has. It could probably be
argued that the debug window should set TERM to indicate that it doesn't
obey commands, but I'd suggest that if the program does a ClrScr then
the programmer wants notification of this and it should probably /not/
wipe earlier debug output. After all, the debug window is there for
debugging, not for normal interaction.

I am comparing to how it works in Delphi (7)...
When I program a console program in Delphi and run it from within the
IDE it creates the console window and the interactions are shown
All Writeln() output shows up as is and the program stops for input on
ReadLn() commands etc.

When I started my program in Lazarus nothing showed up at all so I had
to google for it and then I was directed towards the menu
"View/Debug Windows/Terminal Output" which displays a window titled
This is the window I refer to and it does not behave like the real

No, it does not. Because it is not a real terminal and does not obey the
ANSI codes to control the terminal.


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