You are using "procedure of object" where you need "procedure".

(One solution is to add static keyword to your procedure declaration, if the FPC version you use supports the typecast - iirc, fpc 3.0.0 can't do that in objfpc mode.)


On 22.05.2016 12:17, Richard Mace wrote:
Thanks Denis,

I am now getting:

inboundroutedestlist.pas(49,35) Error: Incompatible type for arg no. 1: Got "<procedure variable type of function(Pointer;Pointer):LongInt of object;Register>", expected "<procedure variable type of function(Pointer;Pointer):LongInt;Register>"

Any ideas?


On 22 May 2016 at 07:30, Denis Kozlov < <>> wrote:

    On 21 May 2016 at 13:49, Richard Mace <
    <>> wrote:

        ​Would I call the List.sort externally, or would the List call
        sort when an Add has happened, as I don't seem to have a
        ".sort" method on my TObjectList?

    You need to call List.Sort yourself, it is not sorted
    automatically when you add more elements.

    TObjectList does have a Sort method, since it descends from TList


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