Mattias Gaertner wrote:
> On Tue, 13 Sep 2005 17:51:12 +0200
> Bogus__aw Brandys <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>I have problems :
>>yesterday i had compiled Lazarus IDE for GTK2.0 under Ubuntu using
>>Lazarus SVN version and FPC snapshot after a single tweak in
>>but later i downloaded full FPC SVN the newest revision and rebuild :
>>make install
> Don't use make install.
> Either link:
> ln -sf <lazarus sources>/lazarus /usr/bin/lazarus
> ln -sf <lazarus sources>/startlazarus /usr/bin/startlazarus
> or move the whole lazarus directory to /usr/share/lazarus
>>(it works after loading ncurses-dev and gpm-dev libraries for FP IDE
>>After this I have a great mess in my system ;-) and each try to compile
>>Lazarus end with comment that some unit is missing
>>I deleted ~/.fpc.cfg and found that units are located in
>>/usr/share/fpcsrc (why there?) but even if I modify /etc/fpc.cfg to
>>point to those folders still errors on compilation :-(
>>What else i can do ?
>>I found also that IDE hasn't displayed some Polish  chars even if I set
>>it to Polish[pl] or Polish[8859-2] or Polish[win1250]. Should I set some
>> LANG  variable ?
> Polish[pl] should work.
> I leave this question to the polish translators.
> Mattas

Polish translation is good (inside UTF8 is
preserved.Only Menu items captions does not display property one Polish
char "ł"
I have strong feeling that it's a bug in IDE.

Boguslaw Brandys

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