On Fri, 04 Nov 2005 18:41:23 +0100
dannym <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hi,
> since it's missing, I suggest adding a OnWindowStateChange event to
> TForm (fired when the window manager changed the state of the window,
> i.e. iconify/restore/maximize/......)
> I can implement the gtk side
> (it's just g_signal_connect 'window-state-event' )

I think, it's useful.

> However, in delphi there is Application.OnMinimize,
> Application.OnRestore and such too (i.e. for the TApplication), not sure
> about the interactions of it (plus, OnRestore has a weird name - it's
> actually OnUnminimize, not OnUnmaximize as well (?))

OnRestore is called when the whole application is unminized. AFAIK there is
no unmaximize for the whole application.

> Both are still not in lazarus. The latter is delphi compat (I don't
> particular care about it, but
> http://www.lazarus.freepascal.org/mantis/view.php?id=1391) and the
> former is new.


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