On Mon, 6 Feb 2006, Jouke Rensma wrote:

Hi all, As I am planning to add to the Lazarus development, I understood I have to keep my Lazarus in line with SVN. So I tried to get the SVN version working. Unfortunately the make breaks down. I tried to compile from the command line (make clean all) and also from the working (but old) Lazarus version (tools/build lazarus). Both methods break down. The command line shows as the last few lines: PropEdits.pp(4563,63) Hint: Local variable "NewSortedText" does not seem to be i
PropEdits.pp(4686,6) Hint: Local variable "CValue" does not seem to be initializ
PropEdits.pp(6108) Fatal: There were 1 errors compiling module, stopping
PropEdits.pp(53,19) Fatal: Compilation aborted
make[1]: *** [allideintf.ppu] Error 1
make[1]: Leaving directory `C:/lazarus/ideintf'
make: *** [ideintf] Error 2 But the real problem is (as far as I can see) at the same point as where the tools/build lazarus breaks: C:\lazarus\ideintf\PropEdits.pp(2830,23) Error: Identifier not found "StrToQWord" I'm sure it is something stupid, but I have no clue....

You must update the sources of FPC, and recompile the RTL.

The "StrToQWord" was added to sysutils for use in Lazarus.


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