Marien van Westen wrote:
I noticed a different behaviour of TScrollbar under MSWindows and Linux.
In MSWindows the stand alone Scrollbar acts like a Trackbar, but when you compile a program with a scrollbar
on a Linux machine the sliding part covers the whole area of the Scrollbar.

You need to set the pagesize. Default it is 0 and on win32 it appears to mean to show the good old (from the win16 days) standars size ot the thumb, where on gtk it means that there is no page, so there is nothing to drag.

Is it possible (yes, but is it desirable) to let a standalone scrollbar behave like a Trackbar, In that way a program written with Delphi (where the Scrollbar is used instead of the Trackbar) and converted to Lazarus will have the same behaviour under MSWindows and Linux

We might change the default behaviour for gtk when pagesize is 0. Can you bugrep this ?


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