---------------------------- Mensaje original ----------------------------
Asunto: Re: [lazarus] Lazarus Foundation pros
De:     Flávio Etrusco <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Fecha:  Mie, 26 de Abril de 2006, 4:35 pm
Para:   lazarus@miraclec.com


I guess the discussion is more about letting someone who the main
developers trust to work on such thing, not about programmers/hackers
doing annoying-irritative-pita burocratic work ;-)

Its, more like that, check my last answer to Michael, one of Lazarus

Neither do I.

Again, my mistake, forums are updated, but many developers doesn't
participate on them :-(

What do you mean by 'developers'? If you are talking about Lazarus developers, then I think this is not accurate either: Take a look at http://www.lazarus.freepascal.org/index.php?name=PNphpBB2&file=memberlist
and sort by number of post descending.
Number 1 and 2 are Lazarus developers. So are number 9 and 10. Only Mattias isn't that active on the forums, but IMO he more than makes up with his activity in the Mailing list.



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