Hi all,

I'm writing a DB-test-framework. And it looks very promising.

I only wanted to make it runnable with Delphi and FPC. To obtain a good
mechanism to check for differences. It can be used for example to check
which events are fired on some actions...

On fpc I used fpcunit, and I tried to use DUnit with Delphi. That works,
but the problem is that where fpcunit uses 'assertequals(prop1,prop2)'
dunit uses 'testequals(prop1,prop2)'

So that I'm still unable to write a test only once, and test it with
both compilers.

I can solve this offcourse by adding a TCompatTestCase which implement
the AssertEquals functions by a simple call to the TestEquals
counterpart. But maybe we can add the 'testequals' variant to fpcunit,
to be dunit compatible?

Or does anyone have some other ideas?


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