Me and Felipe have been working on this patch for about 2/3 weeks, and we
finally think it is ready to submit.

The patch creates a new component called "TPopupNotifier" used to show pop-up
messages anywhere on the screen. It can be used for a number of purposes but
I specifically wanted it to show messages to a user from a program currently
minimised to the tray.
That is the major function then - to pop up a small window to share some sort
of information with the user.

The component supports icons (any TImage support format) and custom
colorization (which we did multiplatform - tested on win32, gtk1 and gtk2).
Each message is split into a title and a text section, both are TLabels in
practise but the text label is big enough to comfortably show multiline
Both labels automatically resise themselves to fit the size of the icon
The patch includes the component, a lazarus package for it and a small demo
program that shows how to use it.
If it's accepted, I'll write a wiki page documenting it in full.

"there's nothing as inspirational for a hacker as a cat obscuring a bug
by sitting in front of the monitor" - Boudewijn Rempt
A.J. Venter
Chief Software Architect
OpenLab International
+27 82 726 5103


"there's nothing as inspirational for a hacker as a cat obscuring a bug 
by sitting in front of the monitor" - Boudewijn Rempt
A.J. Venter
Chief Software Architect
OpenLab International
+27 82 726 5103

Attachment: popupnotifer.patch.bz2
Description: BZip2 compressed data

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