As posted on another thread:
I see that this little application is doing exactly what is missing for an easy RAD way to configure Win32 applications. Now I know that this is not the same under all OS. But I see no major reasons not to include this piece of code directly inside Project -> Project Options. The same information could be used in other projects; like on linux. .desktop files could be created with information about where to find the icon, program information, etc. This is not because Windows is the only OS that put it all in the same file that we can't do nothing about it on other OS. The same information can generate lazarus ressources that could be use in the application or to generate external files / setup scripts, etc. so that we could help the developpers to create later on kind of setup tools to copy the icons at the good place based on the OS/GUI used... Just my idea. What other think about that? Best regards. -- Alexandre Leclerc _________________________________________________________________ To unsubscribe: mail [EMAIL PROTECTED] with "unsubscribe" as the Subject archives at