Kris Leech wrote:
Good stuff, did you come across any issues with simpleIPC, Ive been meaning to have a go with it for a while...

I had two issues with simpleipc:
- in unix the TSimpleIPCServer.OnMessage event is not fired. To override this, a solution is to call ReadMessage in the OnIdle event of the application.

- The other is that there's currently no easy way to diferentiate between different message types. Let's say i need to send messages telling i started the job, send the results of the job and than finished the job. Currently there are two options: send a header in the stream with a numeric variable and check it when arrive (you lose the comodity of SendStringMessage) or you send a string with a string marker. I will propose a change in it (and provide the patch) where we could use the MessageType (user defined) to identify the message and we could still use SendStringMessage .

- another potential problem (not tested) is that in unix a file is used to pass the messages. So if the program crashes the file may not be deleted and would give that the server is running.


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