Hi, like i asked Lazarus forum, i have a problem that i don't know how to resolve.

I'm developing an application with Lazarus on Windows Mobile 2003 (winCe), crosscompiling with Lazarus cause the Pocket PC have an ARM architecture.

Thanks to Sekel help, i managed to do it and i'm creating some forms and buttons... but the hardest (and most important) task i have to commit is to make a mysql connection from the Pocket PC to a local area address through TCP/IP socket.

For this, i need the component named: sqldb (or, if you know that i can use different and more diffuse component, just tell me)

Compiling for i386 and win32, i got no problems to do it. But... i get errors on doing it on wince-arm crosscompiling.
Looking into lazarus directory i think i found my problem...

I need the sqldb component files:

Compiled for arm-wince.

I got the i386-win32 version under:

But the arm-wince directory (in the lib directory) is empty.

I think that those component are very important in order to consider Lazarus a multiplatform software for developers... cause database connection is very important and mysql is the most used database in the world.

So please tell me how i can get this work done, and, if some Lazarus developer read this request, please provide to (cross)compile me those (i thing open source) libraries.

Thanks in advance, and compliments for your project,
a new (but very surprised) Lazarus user.

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