Christian Iversen wrote:

I much prefer

for X := 0 to 99 do

Hmm.  That's nice too.

I used to Capitalize keywords too, but I've never only capitalized the first keyword in a block - that's pretty obscure to me :)

I'm a big "camel case" kind of guy. I LikeToQuicklyUnderstand a line of text or variable name. In Delphi, I use GExperts that will will captialize your keywords/vars for you. Define it as "MyVar" and write "myvar" and as soon as you spacebar away from the word, tada!

With Laz, I have to type that camel case every instance, so I've been playing with a javaCase type syntax lately.

It's not done yet, but perhaps someone will be inspired by it, or offer critique :)

Very nice. I am a one man band, however. It's just me working out of my home office with resellers and distributors that do everything. Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain, so to speak ;)

Unfortunately, I am the only programmer here and only interact with others of my ilk on the net. I met a delphi programmer once in a coffee shop. Poor guy, I talked his ear off for 45 minutes....

I am only flesh and blood. Sometimes I too need to talk about OOP or a recursive algorithm with someone!


Warm Regards,


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