Funky Beast wrote:
Lee Jenkins wrote:
Lee Jenkins wrote:
Lee Jenkins wrote:

I have tried to almost two days straight, ignoring just about everything else in my business to get some kind of workable database access through Lazarus without any success.

This morning, I even tried installing from source and that seemed to go OK except for the fact that I still cannot install any non-default components into the IDE.

The IBConnection components don't recognize the .so libraries for firebird. I cannot install UIB.

At this point I am all out of ideas and patience.

* Reinstall from rpm again?
* Rebuild source again?
* Install from source again?
* Try to reinstall components that will not install again?

Oh, and I forgot, thanks to everyone for their time and patience ;)

I'm just a bit frustrated right now, lol.


You might want to try finding all instances of lazarus executable
in your entire system with a file manager started as root, by
searching from '/' directory with 'include subfolder' options.
Try them one by one and maybe you might find one that has the
components that you installed.

If you do find it, you'll at least know where your compiled
lazarus executable went. If not, then its a bizarre bug.
(I have all SQLDB components on my component palette.)

Another option is to specify where you want your compiled
lazarus executable to end up by specifying a target directory
in Tools->Configure "Build Lazarus", and rebuild lazarus.

I did a search as root and I didn't see multiple instances of lazarus, except for what I think were symlinks and I had a bit of trouble getting rid of them. Had to actually click on them and let the os decide they were no longer valid and I chose to remove them when asked.

I tried then rebuilding laz with uib, but then when trying to restart lazarus, I got the error about trying to "start threads before they are initialized". I've seen this before when I was writing my first app with laz, a tcp server.

My guess is that its a problem with one or more units in UIB without an {IFDEF} around a ctthreads inclusion. I will try and download UIB latest version (6?) and try that.

Meanwhile, I'm reinstalling laz from source again, LOL.


Warm Regards,


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