Павел Ишенин schreef:

I found one incompability with TCanvas.TextOut method:
1) In Delphi TCanvas.TextOut calls Windows.ExtTextOut wich fills bachground with brush 2) In Lazarus TCanas.TextOut use fpc canvas class to draw text and it works without filling text area with brush.

That is not what I found. It calls Windows.ExtTextOut too.

I found out that, changing line 138 of canvas.inc from
  SetBkMode(FHandle, TRANSPARENT);
  SetBkMode(FHandle, OPAQUE);
fixes this problem.

The problem is that I dont know what should be patched: lcl / fpc (or all applications that use TextOut :) )

I also don't know what to fix:
- TCanvas.CreateBrush
- TCanvas.TextOut to call SetBkMode if TextStyle.Opaque is true.
- TWin32WidgetSet.ExtTextOut to call SetBkMode, if Options is ETO_OPAQUE.


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