On Thu, 2007-03-08 at 22:43 +0100, Michael Van Canneyt wrote:
> On Thu, 8 Mar 2007, Joost van der Sluis wrote:
> > 
> > I've isolated the problem. It occurs when inherited TDataModules are in
> > one file. According to Jesus Reyes (on IRC) did Mattias say that this
> > was on purpose.
> > 
> > That means that Lazarus doesn't work right with the current version of
> > fcl-web. So do I have to split up fcl-web into somewhat like 40 files,
> > or is there another/better way to solve this?
> I had it initially working without this problem. 
> Why would having inherited TDatamodules in 1 file generate problems ?

I don't know. There was a hint that this could be the problem.

> That would mean that TForm/TCustomform descendents would also not work,
> and they at least used to work; I wrote articles about that, demonstrating
> how to use it ? 

I've followed one of those articles. And everything works fine. Until...
you close lazarus and open the project again. Then I've got this error.

> Has the IDE behaviour changed in this regard ?
> > 
> > ps: This kinds of explains the situation: http://imagebin.org/7552
> from the picture:
> Is the source as it is in the unit generated by the IDE or did you modify it 
> ? 

I did modify it, to reproduce the problem as 'clean' as possible. If you
want to reproduce it using fcl-web, just create a cgi moduled
application with lazarus. Save everything and restart Lazarus. (I've
changed the lazarus-web-component to do this, by the way)

> The problem is then not in the fcl-web, but in the IDE support for it ?

Well, that depends on your point of view. ;)

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