On Tue, Apr 17, 2007 at 01:03:01PM +0200, Vincent Snijders wrote:
> >>non-GPL-compatible plugins included statically; however, we do not see
> >>this as a severe limitation, since recompiling Lazarus is easy.
> >></quote>
> >
> >So, will you go after violations like the GLScene integrated lazarus?
> In what way is the GLScene license non-GPL compatible?

It's MPL, and it is designtime. Note that "violation" is a bit of a big
word, specially since all people involved are on speaking terms.

It is more meant as a testcase for the new policy. Specially because this is
the exact example that I gave that started this discussion (MPL designtime)

The first point would be to investigate if there is MPL code in the
designtime parts.

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