Bisma Jayadi wrote:
This is very welcome news for me.{E1DB912D-BD45-4B74-9AC4-550E3CD3738F}

I just knew that someday there will be more and more Delphi component providers support FPC/Lazarus due to active development of FPC/Lazarus and lack of Borland/CG interest to non-Windows platform. And someday, Borland/CG will have no options except support FPC/Lazarus because they'll be far behind FPC/Lazarus for non-Windows platform.

FPC as a compiler is a mature and stable product. Morfik and Pixel obviously shows its power. What I've been waiting to jump to FPC vehicle is AtoZed's Intraweb. :-D From Borland/CG, I'm thinking that someday they will offer Delphi for Pascal IDE with FPC as an alternative compiler to compete with (or terminate) unofficial CrossFPC. ;)


Is CrossFPC still being developed? I had read somewhere that it was stalled again.

Personally, I've come to like Lazarus quite a bit and am very appreciative of the Laz's developers efforts. Of course, I'm still using D6 on windows and Laz is pretty comparable.

If only there was a way to better promote Lazarus/FPC. Recently, I've been doing quite a bit of development on Linux and I swear, I get a lot of "Pascal? That's still in use?" or "I remember that from high school!" or "Yes, that was used back when the world was flat".

OP needs a major marketing overhaul IMO.

Here is my pitch: "Object Pascal.  Strong Like C.  Easy like VB." ;)


Warm Regards,


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