Am Mittwoch, den 30.05.2007, 16:23 -0400 schrieb Alain Michaud:
> --- My fstab does not say anything about .../floppy... That does not
> seem normal?

Yes, that's pretty normal. Although many linux distros come with some
preparation: the automounter daemon. Open an xterm an type "man amd",
that should show you the way. If linux does mount any disk or media
automatically, it uses amd.

> --- My code does not have to be portable, but the users are Microsoft
> oriented and I find it very difficult to "sell" my Linux/FPC/Lazarus
> code. For me, opening the floppy before I run the application is easy,
> but for my users, it seems like an impossible task... Their next step
> would be to press the reset button !

Given you're using network analyzer hardware your users seem to be
trained professionals. So I'd suggest you to train them some more to get
their fingers of that nasty reset button ans learn how to mount a

Anyways, if users should be allowed to do so, the opsys has to be
prepared (at least by setting the the mount points owner and rights).
But that's a FAQ and the internet is full of answers ...

"Who cares if it doesn't do anything?  It was made with our new
Triple-Iso-Bifurcated-Krypton-Gate-MOS process ..."

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