Hi Vincent:
I have many questions, on how work a Lazarus Daemon Application. In unix a
Daemon is a process that forks, close the stdin-stdout-stderr and running on
backgroup. In the SystemV way, put a script in /etc/init.d/ for
start/restart/stop the daemon.
In windows a Service, is registered with the windows api. One executable (or
library) can have one or more services.

What is the funcionality of TMapperDaemon? the programmer catch the
OnInstal/OnUninstall events for register the Daemon in the System?

What is the functionality of TDaemon? is a TThread, then emulates the
windows way?

Thanks (sorry for my english).

The work of FPC team and Lazarus team is WONDERFULL!!


Carlos Germán Tejero

2007/6/1, Vincent Snijders <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

Carlos German Tejero schreef:
> Hi,my name is German Tejero, and my english is very bad.
> I download the lazarus win64 release, and i test it on a Intel Core 2
> Duo E6400.
> I install the lazdaemon package and i discover a bug, when add a TDaemon
> or a TDaemonMapper, the uses contains duplicated LResources unit:
> *  uses
>   Classes, SysUtils, LResources, LResources, daemonapp;
> *
> the bug is in the reglazdaemon unit:
> ...
> function TDaemonFileDescriptor.GetInterfaceUsesSection: String;
> begin
>   Result:=inherited GetInterfaceUsesSection+', LResources, daemonapp';
> end;
> ...
> function TDaemonMapperDescriptor.GetInterfaceUsesSection: String;
> begin
>   Result:=inherited GetInterfaceUsesSection+', LResources, daemonapp';
> end;
> ...

Thanks for the report. I wonder why nobody else noticed this before. Did
anybody try out this component at all?

Fixed in r11249 (SVN).


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