Vincent Snijders wrote:

I can put a bit more time into this, but I don't know SPARC very well
>> at the machine level and my experience with gdb is limited.

Can't you copuy the TTextStyle declaration (and dependants) into a test
> program and assign the alignment field as in the snippet?

I don't think it's a simple alignment problem. I've just spent a few hours eliminating the attractive heresy that somebody had slipped in a reserved word "Alignment" that was screwing things, and am now looking at an apparent situation where CPU state is in a mess on entry to TCustomStringGrid.Create with a bus error very shortly after- however I don't know gdb well enough to be able to look at things in detail.

I'm reminded of the problem in gtkwinapiwindow.pp that I fixed a week ago by inserting a DebugLn() in front of the suspect code. That was with 2.0.4 and 0.9.22, I checked earlier and I didn't have to apply the same hack this time to get it working.

Does anybody know what the current situation is with regards to automated tests for FPC and Lazarus? I tried the FPC tests earlier and while on x86 they completed and appeared to give me sensible results (although not being an FPC guru I don't know whether they were the /right/ sensible results :-) but on SPARC they bombed early on- I interpreted that as bad maintenance of the test suite.

Mark Morgan Lloyd
markMLl .AT. .DOT. uk

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