On Tue, 2007-07-17 at 08:34 +0200, Bram Kuijvenhoven wrote:
> German C. Basisty wrote:
> > I have now a form with a working TPQConnection, a TSQLTransaction, a 
> > TSQLQuery with a  ‘select * from product’ as SQL, a TDatasource, an a 
> > TDBGrid, everithing is working fine and every product is shown on the 
> > DBGrid as expected. Now I want to add an TEdit to make posible searching 
> > products by name, for example, so when the user writes something on the 
> > Edit, the SQLQuery1.SQL should become something like ‘select * from 
> > product where name = ‘ + Edit1.Text + ’
> I assume you don't want to create an SQL injection bug, so you should either 
> properly escape Edit1.Text, or use query parameters instead; see e.g. 
> http://wiki.freepascal.org/Secure_programming#Injection. I recommend using 
> query parameters.

You could also use a filter. Like 'tsqlquery.filter := 'name = ' +
edit1.text. then the dataset is filtered in memory. But if the dataset
is too big, and you only want to use a small sub-set, you could use the
'serverfilter', this way the 'filter' is added to the sql automatically.
But then you can get (just like by modifying the sql yourself) an

Met vriendelijke groeten,

  Joost van der Sluis
  CNOC Informatiesystemen en Netwerken

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