I do not know where you can find information on the subject, but can give you a few tips. You can attach submenu's to the parent forms menu by:

-- begin code
*procedure TForm1.CreateSubMenu(Sender: TObject);
Sub, SubItems: TMenuItem;
// Create a sub menu
Sub := TMenuItem.Create(Menu);
Sub.Caption := '&SubMenu';
// Create items on the submenu
SubItems := TMenuItem.Create(Sub);
SubItems.Caption := 'Remove This Menu';
SubItems.OnClick := @RemoveSubMenu;
// Add Sub menu to Forms main menu (at the 3rd position).
Menu.Items.Insert(2, Sub);

procedure TForm1.RemoveSubMenu(Sender: TObject);
Menu.Items.Delete(2); // Delete menu item at the third position
-- end code

If you need more specific information ask away, maybe we can help.


German C. Basisty wrote:

Good people:

Does anybody know where can I find documentation about creating and managing menu? I mean, like a standard Windows app main menu or something…

Best regards



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