
Does Lazarus have a report writer?
If not, is there any free or low cost report writer out there that would
work with Lazarus?
I have tried to post this in the forum, but there was no response.
I only know of three report writers that are free.
LogiXML - for web based reports.
Jasper Reports - for Java.
Report Manager - I used it with VB6 and it works with Delphi 5 and upwards.
It also works with dot net.
I tried it on a couple of reports and found it rather clumsy and buggy.
Does anyone know of anything else out there?
I am looking for a report writer that would work well on Windows.
May be I'm too fussy, but I am used to good report writing tools like
Crystal and SQL Server reporting services.
Crystal is rather expensive or you must buy Visual Studio and the free
version of SQL Server is too limited
and too hungry for memory.


Heine Ferreira

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