Luca Olivetti wrote:
En/na Mattias Gärtner ha escrit:
Is there already a cross platform component for applications to check if it is already running and if yes then pass some commands to the already application?

For example clicking on files in the file browser should not open a second
instance, but tell the already running instance to open the files.

There's uniqueinstance (The wiki is down, so I cannot give you the wiki link) *but* it doesn't work here under Linux (I could launch more that one instance of my program). Since I hadn't too much time to debug it, I slightly modified it to open and lock a file instead of using TSimpleIpc, but that makes it non-crossplatform. Since it's short I'm including it here, it could be extended to write the pid in the file, so another instance can somewhat contact the first one.

It's working here both under win32 and linux (testraw and testcomponent programs). Using fpc 220, Ubuntu Feisty Faw, recent lazarus svn.

The only missing feature under linux is the parameter list passing:
Under windows the SimpleIpc mechanism is integrated with the win32 message loop so the IPCServer.OnMessage is called without any further intervention. Under unix, SimpleIpc is not integrated with any message loop so IPCServer.OnMessage is not called.
There are to ways of doing under unix:
 - Hook in the LCL message loop to call PeakMessage
 - Create a thread that will call PeakMessage at a time interval

In the below address you will find an updated component that hooks in Application.OnIdle to call PeakMessage. Its far from optimal because will prevent the use of OnIdle by the programmer and the parameter list will be peaked only when the app is idle/has focus.

If someone knows a way to hook in LCL message loop to be called more frequently than OnIdle or wants to implement a separeted thread i'm accepting patches.


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