
This is not really related to Lazarus, but only me asking for advice
from developers that handled this issue before that I have now.

I created (ported) a very basic GUI Designer for the fpGUI toolkit.
Purely for the purpose of speeding up some form designs. It generates
the Form and containing components as code in a source unit. Not as a
external *.lfm file like Lazarus and Delphi does.  The designer
inserts Begin/End comment markers to know what section it maintains
and supports multiple forms in a single source unit.

I use Form Inheritance a lot in my applications.  Currently my GUI
Designer doesn't support Visual Form Inheritance, though it doesn't
crash reading and building the form either.  I would like to implement
VFI in my GUI Designer, but have a few questions.

What is the process flow Lazarus uses to build up a designer form that
implements form inheritance?

  * The order of loading the form into the gui designer form?
  * How does it know which unit contains the parent class?
  * How does it track changes made to components implemented in the
parent class?
  * How does it know what components are from parent forms and what
are newly introduced?

Thanks for you time,
  - Graeme -

fpGUI - a cross-platform Free Pascal GUI toolkit

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