A.J. Venter ha scritto:

However I was thinking to something of the sort of the Kdevelop project icon, but with two gears instead of one.

Also Qt Designer uses the same approach. I include the two samples, for your inspiration (or further reject).

These are the SAME icons used in KDE for the 'executable' or very close to it at least. Clearly they stopped thinking at the point I passed through (that a project produces an executable) - but I still think a project is what an executable is MADE from - not the executable itself.

Since my icon idea was considered too complex for 16x16 I would propose that we DO use the gear - but let's take it a step further - and try to convey the concept of what an executable is made from.

Now if the exe is a gear... I see two instant ideas in my head.
The first is a wireframe gear - e.g. just an outline. The only question is whether it will remain recognizeable at small sizes.

The next is to split the gear into parts. A pie-sliced gear if you will. Too many slices would make it look like a piechart icon though - so perhaps we should just neatly cut it into two. Voila - we have PIECES that when combined can produce and EXECUTABLE - better than that I cannot represent the idea of a project. I created a quick sample from my KDE icons - but I would suggest if we adopt the idea that we do a proper one in Lazarus look/feel.

If splitting it in *three* instead of two still retains the gear shape, and doesn't look like a pie chart in a 16x16 pixel image, it would convey more effectively the idea of many. Sort of basic numbering system: one, two, many :-)


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